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Renew Membership

The Moss Farm Alliance is the organization that helps to keep our homes, property and us safe while we sleep or are away.  Moss Farm wasn't originally set up with an HOA but the Moss Farm Alliance does host events like an HOA would. 

Our main purpose is to have as many patrol hours as we can from off duty Dallas Police officers in a Dallas patrol car.  The Moss Farm Alliance is just a few volunteers but we are constantly trying to improve our neighborhood. 

Please renew your membership today and help keep you and your neighbors safe.  Membership can be renewed online by logging into the Moss Farm Alliance Wild Apricot site below, or by printing, filling in and mailing in the below invoice with your payment by check.

Moss Farm Alliance Invoice

Online Instructions

  • Enter your email address below to log in
  • Use forgot password if you have forgotten your password or if you have never logged into the site below
  • Once you're in your profile verify your information and then click "Renew to Mar 1 26" to renew your membership
  • Please select any extra contributions such as Extra Patrol Hours or Patrol Officer's Holiday Bonus, or use the field below to enter a different amount for Extra Patrol Hours if you would like to contribute a different amount
Moss Farm Alliance Membership - $300.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: March 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Moss Farm Alliance is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. PO BOX 744113, DALLAS, TX 75374

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